Sunday, 16 December 2007


Artist, fashion designer, photographer, graphic designer, musician of the year 2007 THISISISFEED Competition – Get your work out there!

THISISFEED is calling for entries.

There are 5 categories:
1] Fine Art
2] Fashion
3] Photography
4] Graphic Design
5] Music

There will be 5 winners!
The winners will have an online exhibition of their work with THISISFEED.
Each winner will have their work exhibited at the next THISISFEED seminar after party, which is hosted by David Johnston from Accept and Proceed.
All winners will be featured in the June edition of THISISFEED magazine.
*All entries will be shown on our website.

THISISFEED is now receiving requests for places on our courses from all over the world – we are getting emails and hits from places such as South America, Africa as well as Europe to name a few.
THISISFEED has gone global!!! Which means your work will too.

All entries must be submitted in the following format:

Please email us an example of the work you would like to submit in the following formats:

Email address:
All file sizes should be NO BIGGER than 3mb in size
Images: JPEG only
AUDIO: AIFF, WAV or MP3 (NO Windows Media – we are a MAC based organisation, sorry)
Please include in your email:
1] Your name
2] Date of birth
4] Contact telephone number
5] A very brief description of your work

DEADLINE: 11.01.07

That’s it! Your work can be based on absolutely anything. There is no theme – it’s totally up to you. So get cracking, dig out some of your favourite work and send us a piece that you think represents it best. Send your friends work if they are too shy!

*All copyright remains with the entrant – you just give us permission to use it within the THISISFEED competition and have the right to withdraw your entry at any point.


You may have noticed that we have moved some of our courses to Millennium Point. So far the new studio is host to 2nd year National Diploma and both years of the Higher National Diploma Graphic design courses. It is also the home for all our FEED projects. Currently, the FEED team is busy putting together the next THISISFEED magazine, which will be launched in Fed 08. The team have totally revamped the magazine both aesthetically and it’s contents. It has a much more typographic feel and strong contemporary photography has replaced the illustrations. It’s now an exciting collaboration between HND Graphic Design and National Diploma Photography – so make sure you get your copy by watching out for it’s release date on our blog.

Click on the pictures above to enlarge them.

Tuesday, 11 December 2007

Well Done!

Well done to Patrick Caulwell and Anthony Zizzi - Winners of Department for Innovation, Universities & Skills E- greeting card competition. You beat off some extremely serious competition from colleges and universities from all over the UK.

To see their winning entry go to

A big thank you has to go to Simon Gordon, FEED tutor, who lead on this project with the FEED students.

Well done to all of you that took part,

Adam Guy
Creative Director of FEED

Saturday, 8 December 2007


We are proud to be able to announce that David Johnston, Creative Director of Accept & Proceed will be FEED's next guest speaker. The A&P seminar is on 30.01.08 - 6.30pm @ Millennium Point. After Party at the Kitchen, Custard Factory, Digbeth. Tickets will go on sale from the brand spanking new FEED studio at Millennium Point from 7th January 2008 12pm onwards. So be sure to save a five pound note from your Christmas budget - and NO we don't accept WHSmith vouchers. [This, as always is a non profit making event - all money is used for expenses and venue hire etc...] If however you would like to sponsor any FEED events or products please do get in touch by mailing

David is one of the most talked about designers around today and recently Creative Review featured him as 'one to watch'. Go to to see his studios work.

On the A&P site you will see the extensive collection of A&P's designed, illustrated and made by some of the most celebrated artists and designers in the world.

Well, now it's your chance to have a go. David has opened up the brief to FEED members only. Send your interpretations of the letters A&P to and you could win a copy of the next limited edition of the THISISFEED magazine and a FEED ATHLETICO T-Shirt.

For more info about FEED events please email


Well hello to you all. We’ve got the seminars, we have the magazine and we have even given you a newsFEED now here’s the blog.

This is your chance for audience participation. The FEED team will post up breaking news, competitions, industry stuff and little bits of nonsensical
fluff. So please do post your views and news – obviously we want you to keep your posts clean, informative and intelligent. FEED after all is a fine example of a clean living machine and we don’t like aggression in anyway!

If we think your input is strong and you have interesting things to say we might, just might invite you to be an author, where you will gain admin access to post pictures, films etc. This will only be offered to FEED members, so go to and sign up today.

Keep checking this blog for all the news and stories one could possibly want to read. Many thanks for all of your support over the last two years; FEED is truly alive and moving forward thanks to YOU…